Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy For Depression

A client I worked with was seeking Yoga Therapy assistance for her lifelong depression. Listen in as I discuss some of the yoga therapy techniques that we used and the progress that she made during our six months of working together.

Yoga Therapy

Professional Podcast Network Interview

Short but sweet. Enjoy!

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy for Lupus

One of my previous clients was seeking relief from symptoms associated with Lupus. We worked together for six months and achieved spectacular results. I was a guest on the Breathing Deeply Podcast and shared some insights regarding our work. Please listen below.

Mind Body Hacks

If You Keep Making That Face, it’s Gonna Get Stuck That Way!

“If you keep making that face, it’s gonna get stuck that way!” Psshhh, I made tons of funny faces as a kid and my face isn’t stuck that way (Checks mirror to confirm). But what if there was a sliver of truth to that old wives’ tale. […]

Yoga Therapy Yoga Tools

Chanting Away a Clogged Sinus?

The Intersting Effects of Chanting Chanting has been a part of religious and sacred traditions for thousands of years. While chanting scripture or repeating a mantra are more commonly associated with attempting to obtain spiritual enlightenment, communication with the divine, or even setting a positive affirmation for one’s day, the physiological effects of chanting are […]